On January 8th, 2013, I had the pleasure to organize
and speak at the Windows 8 Dev Unleashed. The event took place at the University
of Kentucky and had 60 registered attendees, mostly actually attended.
It was an intense and fun day, throughout which we cover
every new aspect of developing “Windows Store” applications for Windows 8. There
were lots of interesting discussions and I learned a lot during the process.
Thanks for everyone who attended and for the Facilities
Management department of the university, that helped me pull this one off. They
provided amazing help in the promotion and infrastructure. In addition to making
a few “pro” and “RT” devices available for people to play with, they actually installed
Windows 8 on several old touch-enabled laptops for attendees to use throughout
the day, if they didn’t have their own machine ready.
I am looking forward to resuming serving the development
community here in Lexington, KY, as I used to back in California.